Hello blogging world! I have played with the idea of documenting my journey through the education world for many months now, but being a first year teacher, this whole "let's create a blog" idea took a back seat. As the light at the tunnel is finally starting to become brighter (14 more days, YESSSSSS!!!!), I thought I may try and give this a try! Hang in there with me as I share ideas, emotions, stories and classroom happenings along the way :)
Today, I'm going to share some exciting news! So, in my school, we are encouraged to teach whole group lessons on our carpet. In the beginning of the school year, I purchased two large (cheap) rugs that would fit most of my 25 little angels. Well, I guess it really is true that you get what you pay for :( My carpets look ratchet ::side note, this word has special meaning for my teammate and I:: and have unraveled like crazy! I have started a donorschoose.org project to see if there are people out there who would be willing to donate money to help get my kiddos a new carpet that would actually be inviting and comfortable for them to sit on. I started this project about a week ago and was getting very discouraged because I had no donors. ZERO. BUT, today I had someone donate for our carpet!! Yay! Small steps, my friends :) Below is a picture of our "carpet"... Not sure I can even still call it that, it's in that bad of condition.

Anywho, I am hoping this project comes through for my babies! If you feel you can help in anyway, follow this link and feel free to donate! Make sure to enter the word INSPIRE by May 20 and Donors Choose will match your donation!
Thanks for stopping by! Stayed tuned as I'm sure I will have many more adventures in teaching to share very SOON :)